
10 Frequently Asked Questions In An Interview – With Answers! (Prepare for Your Interviews 2023)

If we all could have a sneak peek at the question paper before our exams, it would be amazing, right? But this is the least likely thing to happen ever....
Posted in Interview   •   Resume
June 8, 2022

If we all could have a sneak peek at the question paper before our exams, it would be amazing, right? But this is the least likely thing to happen ever. Similarly, interviews are no less than our school or college examination. It can be a moment of great stress, anxiety and nervousness. We don’t really know what questions the hiring manager would ask, but we can surely take down notes from people who have appeared for interviews and accordingly prepare for it.

We have put together questions which have been asked almost in every interview by the interviewers.

Let’s Start!

1.) Tell me a little about yourself.

Be ready with an answer. This is the first and one of the most common questions asked. This can be a deciding question for you. Based on the answer you set your very first impression. The key is to use the present, past and future formulas. Talk about your current role and your achievements, then move on to how you were able to get this opportunity and lastly let them know why you want this job and why you would be the ideal candidate.

Possible Answer

“Hi, I am a Communications Specialist at Xyz company. I played a major role in raising the total NMV of the company with my content ideas. Before that, I was pursuing my Master’s degree in the English Language. While I enjoy working at my current organization, I would like to explore and gain experience in a different organization.”

2.) What are your weaknesses?

Take this as an opportunity to show your honesty and humbleness. Tell them your flaws as it will show how self-aware you are. Along with that always make sure to mention how you are working towards it. We all are imperfect and we need to accept that.

Possible Answer

“ I get angry and frustrated easily. If I have too much work on my plate, it irritates me at times. However, I have been working on myself. I meditate daily in the morning to keep myself calm and composed.”

3.) What is your biggest strength?

We all know our strengths. Our resume also gives a brief idea to the interviewer of what you are capable of. Mention a few strengths of yours and also back them up with proof.

Possible Answer

“ I am very good at communicating and convincing people. In my previous organization, I convinced Xyz business to make a 5 million dollar investment when he was highly reluctant in doing so.”

4.) Why do you want this job?

Don’t be lured into saying that you need money. The interviewer is simply trying to know what your goals and aspirations are, and what your career path is. Be clear about why you would be an excellent fit for this role and how the organization would benefit from you as one of its working members.

Possible Answer

“ I have read about the organization on various websites. I saw that you would be launching your first retail store. With my excellent content writing skills and communication, I can surely market it well to drive in more customers…”

5.) Why should we hire you?

Answer this wisely. The employer simply wants to know how you are different from others and the skills which you uniquely possess.

This is the best time to sell yourself. Show them what you got.

Possible Answer

“ I have been working in a similar company and the job description perfectly aligns with the skills and experience I have. My familiarity would surely make me the most suitable fit.”

6.) How did you hear about this position?

Employers generally ask this question to gain insight into how passionate you are. This is the best opportunity to depict that. Let them know from where you found out. It could be through a friend or any staffing agency.

Possible Answer

“ A friend of mine, Z, told me about the opening. I have been following your business on social platforms and also keep myself updated with regular events. I wish to work with this company as it takes me closer to my dreams…”

7.) What are your salary expectations?

Do not undersell yourself. You must get a general idea of what the current pay scale is in the market for the current position as per your experience. Do your research before sitting for an interview. Be prepared as it increases the chances of you getting hired.

Possible Answer

“As per my skills and the level of experience I possess XXXX seems like a fair pay by the current industry standards…”

8.) Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years?

Employers wish to know this so that they may be able to comprehend if you would be working with them for a long period or a short one. Employers would always choose the one they think would be staying with them for a long.

Possible Answer

“Writing is my passion and I love socializing and communicating as it gives me an insight into the human mind. I would love to pursue this and eventually see myself in a managerial position…”

9.) Why are you leaving (or have left) your job?

This is a tricky question. The employer only wishes to know how loyal you are. Speaking ill of your current/last organization would lower your points and give a negative impact. No matter the reason, do not accuse.

Possible Answer

“ I simply wish to explore and learn more. A different organization would be able to give me a different kind of exposure for me to grow and gather insight. My future goals align more with the current job role I am being offered….”


 Do you have any questions for me?

You must have questions and pose one to the employer if asked. It could be about more clarity on the job role or anything you have in mind and would like to get cleared.


Since you are now aware of the frequently asked questions in an interview, you are more likely to be prepared for it. The answers are, however, subject to how a person perceives life. A particular answer might work for one while it may not for the other. But always remember to be honest, with yourself and also with the hiring manager.

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    Your resume is perfect. It’s keyword-optimized, industry-specified, full of achievements, backed by data, and double-checked by an expert. If it’s none of these things, stop right here and learn how to get your resume ready for a job search.

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